Building a Business Around

Balance & Joy

Create a Business To Live a Life On Your Own Terms

  • From Overwhelm to Purposeful Balance

    Transform your busy, chaotic schedule into a life of balance where you can run a successful business in under 20 hours a week while staying fully present for yourself, your family, and your passions. Learn how to prioritize what matters most and leave the overwhelm behind.

  • From Sacrifice to Joyful Freedom

    Discover how to stop sacrificing your time, energy, and happiness to build a business. This course will show you how to design your business around the life you love—one that gives you flexibility, financial independence, and true joy, all while making time for the things you care about most.

  • From Guilt to Empowered Success

    Break free from societal pressures and self-imposed guilt. Through this course, you’ll learn how to confidently pursue your entrepreneurial dreams without feeling like you have to sacrifice your family, self-care, or joy. Empower yourself to build a business that thrives while staying true to your authentic life vision.

Living Life On Your Own Terms.

For me, building a business has always been about creating the freedom to live life on my own terms—whether it's making time for tennis practice or being there to pick my kids up from the bus at 4. Running a business doesn’t have to mean being overwhelmed or sacrificing the life you love. Instead, your business should be built around the life you want and dream of. Remember, you’ve got this, girl!

I am so proud of you.