5 Tips For When You Feel Overwhelmed

First of all, let’s start with the fact that feeling overwhelmed is a totally normal human thing to feel. so if you’re feeling disappointed, or even worse, shame for feeling overwhelmed, let’s just go ahead and stop that right there…because everybody’s doing it. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Overwhelm comes in all shapes and sizes! Some common examples are…

You haven’t worked out in a week and you just want to feel strong and healthy, but working out always gets bumped because your to do list never ends or

You know you should post more often on social media for your business but it feels like A LOT to figure out.

Wether it’s being overwhelmed by wanting to have the perfect beach body for vacation or overwhelmed at the idea of posting consistently on social or anything and everything in between, overwhelm is a thing and we’re all feeling it.

Here are 5 tips that I use pretty much every day, because yes, I feel overwhelmed at some point of almost every day of my life. I promise they help!

Also, don’t forget, if your day/your goal/your to do list has really gone to “you know what”, it’s totally ok to give up for a day and try again tomorrow.

I promise you, you’ve got this. I’m rooting for you.




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